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Encounter Journey to Kenya-Solio 2017

A 12-person visitors group spent wonderful days during the Whitsun holidays 2017 on a 2-week encounter trip to the projects "Goats for Mweiga and Solio" in Kenya. It was organized and led by Ulrich Frey, the initiator and founder of the projects, actively supported by the local partners, Steven Waweru and Nicholas Wambugu from the "Solidarity Kenya" association.


Not only the current projects of the school kitchen program, but also a kindergarten toilet, the tree planting and school garden program and the goat project in the Solio region were visited, but also the “cradle” of pro-Kenya work, the monastery of the Brothers of Saint Joseph 'in Mweiga, where the goat projects started in 2005. The visit of the local self-help group St. Anthony, which has been completely self-sufficient since 2015 and whose head and chairman Peter proudly emphasizes:

“Thank you for helping us on our feet, was very impressive. Now we are grown up and independent - we don't need any more support from you. Now we can even support other groups ourselves. "

The touristic program of the trip included a visit to the National Museum in Nairobi, a snake park, a tour of the Baden Powell Memorial (he is the founder of the worldwide scout movement), the Rift Valley at the Great Rift Valley, the Thomson Waterfalls, the new pilgrimage shrine Subukia , a safari in the Nakuru and Ol Pajetta National Park and a “home evening” with traditional Kikuyu groups. The tour group consisted of project donors and supporters, fair trade activists, educators and adult educators as well as students.