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Become a permanent donor


“With every visit to the projects, with every phone call, in every e-mail, I encounter new challenges, suggestions, and inquiries. Almost every one of us can contribute to the further development of the projects in his own way with his own personal talents. I cordially invite you and ask for your support. It can be very different. Let the following suggestions inspire you. Don't be afraid to contact me either. "(Ulrich Frey, project founder)

  • Tell about the project in your family, among your relatives and friends
  • Transfer a donation for the project
  • Invite Ulrich Frey to an information evening or to class
  • Carry out a charity campaign for the project with first communion, confirmation, confirmation or youth groups. Ulrich Frey can provide suggestions for this
  • Organize a sales activity with handicraft products from the projects at the parish festival, Advent market, etc.
  • Ask the parish associations to include an information evening with Ulrich Frey on the projects in the annual program
  • Take part in a meeting trip to Solio (ask Ulrich Frey for dates)
  • If guests from the projects come to Germany, stimulate meeting evenings, school visits, etc. in their area or organize them yourself (call up dates from Ulrich Frey)
  • Make your own talents and abilities available for the public relations work of the projects, e. B. graphic design of information material, presentations for information events, inventing games for project days and promotion campaigns (please contact Ulrich Frey)
  • Manufacture and handicrafts of benefit items that can be sold for the benefit of project funding in campaigns
  • ... and of course there is plenty of space for your own ideas !!!